Deadlines: A Love/Hate Relationship

As we approach the April 17th tax deadline, all accountants across the U.S. are dealing with the “deadline blues”. I took a minute (or sixty) to procrastinate a bit and give some “deep” thought to my relationship with deadlines.

My History With Deadlines

I have known deadlines for over 30 years. I really did not pay much attention to them until I got to college where papers were due a certain day. This would give me all the time in the world to start the paper…….the day before it was due! Magically, that day, I would sit down and write ten pages of anything to make sure I met the deadline. Did these deadlines make me smarter? Probably not, but they helped me get the task at hand done.

When I started in public accounting, it seemed that there was a deadline every other week. Sales Taxes, Payroll Taxes, Tax Returns, Audits, etc etc. Wow! I won’t lie. It was a bit overwhelming and I really started to dislike them. They were taking over my life. I hated deadlines!

As I matured (if you know me, I know you laughed) and got more experienced, I started to see the “good” in deadlines. I realized that they were a necessary “evil” to my procrastination. Deadlines gave me a sense of urgency that made me a better producer. I loved deadlines!

Sometimes I wish I could love deadlines all the time. I can’t. They give stress, heartburn and make you angry, at times. But I also know that by April 17th (tax day), all tax returns that need to go out, will go out because of the deadline. And because of that, all accountants will be having some nice refreshments that night (or maybe the next day). We will then procrastinate for a bit until it is time for the next painful, but helpful, deadline.
